4.12 08/2023

New features
- Add Finnish language
- Add German language
- spaces in gedcom filenames are allowed
- descendancy tree with Linux servers is fixed
- ANSEL characters compatible with UTF-8 is fixed

4.11 01/2023

New features
Generic : compatibility with PHP 8
Generic : compatibility with MariaDB
Ancendancy Tree : add arrows to improve navigation

4.1 (01/2022)

New features
- Generic : compatibility with smartphones !!
- Media
. add new detail visualization
. add search bar
- Lists
. add 2 new filters "Sex" and "Sosa" (Ahnentafel number)
. add a search bar
- Stats : add 2 new filters "Sex" and "Sosa" (Ahnentafel number)
- Events
. add management of "divorces" and "marriage contracts"
. add sorts on columns
. add a search bar
- Sub Menus : now dynamicaly adapted from content of gedcom file
- Statistics : replace vertical to horizontal bars
- Statistics marriage : sosa and sex filters are fixed
- Source marriage : sosa filter are fixed
- Lists : number of persons is fixed
- Consanguinity Tree : url to display individual card is fixed

4.0 (04/2021)

- Administration : New interface
  .Manage picture names with accentued characters
  .Native integration of GeneaNet pictures
  .Add optionnal friend password by base
  .Best detection of de-cujus, based on statistics
  .Base Club is  optionnal while the installation
- Generic
  .Consanginity tree is now accessible by menu
  .Présence des sources (à valider)
- Index card :
  .add a search bar to find persons by name
  .new ergonomy cousins buttons
- Best acces to consanguinity trees

3.83 (05/2020)

- Add Italian Language
- New documentation :
administration guide in English
user guide in English and French.
- New icon to consanguinity tree

3.82 (12/2018)

- Support PHP 7.2 / MySql 5.7

3.81 (02/2018)

- Generic : best display of consanginity icon
- Pictures : pictures are stored in sub directories
- Pictures : upload pictures from internet when http url exists
- Gedcom : Tag OBJE is managed
- Source : filters are reseted when category change

3.80 (12/2017)

- Generic : full support all characters : oriental, etc... (UTF-8)
- Menu : themes are accessibles with one clic
- Default individual : depend to users, independant to other users. Save after the navigation.
- Cartography : best display of geography icon
- Media: open pictures in a independant windows
- Technical : decrease in number of temporary and statics tables (optimization)

3.70 (04/2016)

- Ascendancy tree : add option display age of death
- Index card : add age of death
- PHP 7 compatibility (PHP 5.3 minimum)
- Admin : de-cujus update is automaticaly during the upload

3.60  (9 mars 2016)

- Graph, Statistics : add filter sosa
- Generic : print format A4 ou letter in parameter. Less clics.
- Generic : new ernogomics of filters
- Generic : stability of columns width
- Index card : better stability of position in the page
- Descendancy tree : dynamic position of index card
- Technical : compatibility with Chrome
- Technical : better acces by persistent connection

3.50  (14 october 2014)

- Sources / Marriages : display notes
- Manage ip6 adresses
- Descendancy tree : add union by default when unions are not declared

3.42  (25 june 2013)

- Compatiblity with Internet Explorer 10 and Firefox 20 & 21

3.41  (12 december 2012)

- Compatibility with PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.5
- Sources / Marriages : display original base for generic club base
- Add Wikipedia style

3.40  (27 november 2011)

- Administration : fonctionnality to upload gedcom in a unique geneotree base "Club" (thanks to Christian)
- Ascendancy tree : profession is now the default

3.34 (21 janvuary 2011)

- upload gedcom files with local installation
- better display of media and sources :      new picto sources in the list of actes
     the list of sources can naviguate by pages
     better titles in Excel exports

- descendancy tree : better performances and better Excel export (marriages array are integrated in main array)
- generic : better navigability (all clics are memorized)

3.33 (17 october 2010)

This release can upload your gedcom files directly from your local computer to yout server, without ftp file transfert utilities.

3.32 (20 september 2010)

- Add hungarian language
- This release can protect all GeneoTree pages with a password

3.31 (27 february 2010)

3.21 (13 february 2008)

- admin : add date of the gedcom file
- source : add new criteria "OTHER"
- source : add Excel export for new criterias

3.20 (8 december 2007)

- ascendant PDF : add a new report -> option Landscape
- installation : add a windows installation (Windows 2000 or higher)

3.12 (26 october 2007)

- sources : add search with multi criteria

3.11 (20 july 2007)

- medias on evenements are available (displaying in individual index)
- gedcom : some Witness tags are available (displaying in individual index)
- administation : add an installation screen to configure more easily
- ascendancy tree : add a radio button "death/occupation"

3.1 (9 june 2007)

- Add a PDF Report ascendancy list
- Generic : mask acts less than hundred years old
- Generic : Excel exports where it is possible
- Generic : print option Letter/A4
- Generic : display males in blue & females in red
- Ascendancy tree PDF Report : add 3 choices "implexe", "All", "US Letter"
- Ascendancy tree PDF Report : add links in PDF report
- Index card : Sosa number is displaying
- Ascendancy tree PDF Report : best performances

3.01 (15 april 2007)

- best compatibility with many platforms

3.0 (28 february 2007)

- statistics : add PDF report
- consanguinity : add PDF report
- geography : add selection on departement
- lists : add selection on departement
- index : add sub-menu "super cousins"
- menus :     add tree menu,graph menu
    add selection on language, theme
    add submenu defaut in admin menu
    update all sub-menus titles
- consanguinity tree can be activated like other trees
- keep graphs sizes & years intervals by database
- generic : add text over symbols & menus
- generic : preserve the image proportions
- graphs : you can select a prize list size
- graphs : add selection without years intervals
- admin: add different defaults to display databases
- admin: add forms to manage your personal topography base
- generic : characters set is utf8 by default

2.60 (22 december 2006)

- add a statistic menu     - longevity
    - marriages (longest, shortest, youngest, oldest)
    - parents (youngest, oldest)
    - family (number of children, difference of ages, twins)
- opening Google Earth in ascendancy, descendancy, patronyms, places and last names lists
- patronyms, places and last names list PDF: add date intervals
- source : joker et multi word in source search
- themes : add wood theme
- geographic databases uploads : progression is display, without interruption when it is possible
- individual index cards pdf : titles in bold
- admin menu : better look

2.53 (13 november 2006 - First birthday)

- patronyms, places and last names list : add departements
- themes : add colors and in all themes, delete prefix numbers of theme's name
- generic : add some pictogrammes
- consanguinity list : better look
- compare list : better look
- home : theme listbox on the top of the page

2.52 (17 october 2006)

- ascendancy PDF : add option 12 and 16 generations
- ascendancy tree : individual boxes are colored
- upload gedcom : display continue progression, without interruption when it is possible

2.51 (14 september 2006)

- compatible with PHP 5 and MySQL 5
- descendancy tree : best performance

2.50 (3 september 2006)

- Add dynamic palmares charts for Names, Places & First Names
- Add palmares charts in Names, Places & First Names PDF Reports
- Add 133 new themes

2.40 (25 july 2006)

- Add Names PDF report
- Add Places PDF report
- Add Last Names PDF report
- Add Sources PDF report
- Add Media PDF report
- Search function is integrate to "Sources" ("Search" menu has been deleted)
- Last name, first name & places lists : display total by item
- Menu : "Home" is now on the left of the screen
- Source : better response time for big bases

2.30 (9 july 2006)

- dynamic maps of US et France. You can visualize map for an ascendance, a descendance, a first name or a last name.     Only for US, you can see global US and zoom by state.
    For France, you can see department maps only.
- better reading of departements & places
- the config.php is isolated from sql.inc.php

2.20 (14 may 2006)

- individual index card : add PDF report
- ascendancy PDF Report : add pictures
- generic : the ancestors of central individual are displayed with a red rhombus
- generic : change arrows of individual links
- index : change the look of language choice, delete the OK button for the theme choice
- upload : gedcom tag "DATA" is manage to a better displaying for notes and evenements

2.11 (28 april 2006)

Mixed PDF Report : Change picture to respect the copyright CDIP

2.10 (21 april 2006)

- new PDF Report : indented descendancy tree
- medias : GIF and PNG formats are supported
- ancestry tree & PDF report: add displaying medias
- home : add statistics of sources and medias
- individual index card : add associated picture
- descendancy tree & PDF report: add age of death
- sources : add hyperlink to individuals associated
- generic : all dates are translated in english
- generic : dates in bold in all trees and PDF reports
- dynamic gedcom comparaison : design is better
- upload : geneotree timeout is equal as php timeout (not only 30 secondes)     (if you can change php timeout, you can upload gedcom in 1 time)
- cartography : test release GD library
- medias : add letters groups to optimize response times
- medias : thumbs management to optimize response times

2.00 (28 march 2006)

- New management of GeneoTree Base
  - add a administration page
  - protect the administration page by a password
  - delete base in administration page
  - better display of gedcom files and bases on a same line
- ascendant tree PDF report : implex and unkown father management
- ascendant tree PDF report : display 6th generation existence
- home : ajout des preferences
- home : predisplay browser language
- preferences : add 5 themes
- chargement gedcom : translate messages
- last name and places list : shorter

1.11 (8 january 2006)

- grey color in PDF Ascendant Report to look at actes to search

1.00 (5 december 2005)

 - generic : management of the languages (add Preferences menu)
 - generic : English translation
 - menu : addition of the menu sources
 - menu : addition of acces to the ascending tree (base's name)
 - home : addition feature of base's deletion
 - home : addition of the module of comparison of gedcom bases
 - Individual card : addition of sources
 - gedcom upload: addition of a summary at the end of the load (nb places and sources
 - gedcom upload: pre-display text of the gedcom file Improvements
 - Management of the individual by default: acces since the ascending tree
 - Individual card : translation in English
 - Descendants Tree : choice of the nb of descent by drop-down list
 - names and places : posting of names and places at dynamic constant intervals
 - gedcom upload: better reading of TAGS notably for gedcom lifelines
 - gedcom upload: better management of the zone region, notably for the United States

V0.90 (12 novembre 2005)

- Convert gedcom file to MySQL relationnal schema (optimized for biggest files, upload notes & sources)
- dynamic ascendant tree 5 generations (brothers & sisters are displayed, pdf printing, cartography for France/Manche region only)
- dynamic descendant tree (cartography for France/Manche region only)
- mixed tree 2 ascendant generation, 1 descendant (brothers & sisters are displayed, pdf printing)
- permanent informations about people (all sources are displayed on line, cousins list)
- last name list (person list for each last name)
- town list (palmares, person list for each town)
- first name list (palmares, person list for each first name)
- consanginity list (refer to the de-cujus)